How to Practice At Home Oral Health Care

If you follow our blog, you know that it’s important to get preventive treatment at least twice per year from your Annapolis family dentist. While it’s great to follow this routine, it’s not enough to keep your teeth healthy on its own. It is of vital importance that you remember to take care of your teeth at home in order to maintain not only good oral health, but also good overall health. Take these steps to get your oral health under control now.

  1. Know your oral health needs. Everyone is different and has different needs. If you are pregnant, nursing, have cancer, or another type of disease, your oral health care needs are going to be different than the general public. Talk to your dentist and find out what your special needs are so you can address them in your oral health care routine.
  2. Create a routine and follow it every day. You need to be sure that you are consistent in your oral health care routine to maintain optimal health. Your Annapolis family dentist will be able to tell if you’ve been slacking off or have changed your health care routine.
  3. Use fluoride. There is generally fluoride in your water anyway, but it’s important that you choose a toothpaste or mouthwash with fluoride in it to help protect your teeth from bacteria and plaque.
  4. Brush and floss every day. No matter what your oral health care routine is, it will include brushing and flossing every day. Ideally, you should brush after every meal and floss at least once per day. If you can’t brush after every meal, though, it’s a good practice to brush twice per day at the very least.
  5. Eat well. Not only should you eat healthy and limit sugary snacking for your overall wellness, but you should also practice this for oral health. The more unhealthy foods that pass your teeth, the more plaque and bacteria you’re going to build up. The wrong kinds of food can cause your teeth to deteriorate over time.

There are different tips, tricks, and at home remedies you can try to make your teeth healthier and whiter, but make sure you talk to your Annapolis family dentist about them first. Also, remember that at home care is not a substitute for preventive maintenance with your dentist!

If you have any questions about our blog, How to Practice At Home Oral Health Careor if you wish to schedule an appointment, please contact Annapolis Family Dental Care by calling (410) 267-0766 or visit today! Our diligent knowledge of all dental treatments and extensive experience in all fields of dentistry, ensure Annapolis Dental is best suited to care for your oral health. You can also follow Annapolis Dental Care on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.

Source: Your Oral Health Care Plan

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