Is Your Toothache Considered as a Dental Emergency?

annapolis dental care toothache

If your toothache lasts more than 1-2 days and it’s causing you a lot of pain or discomfort, you have a dental emergency.

Are you wondering if your toothache needs immediate medical attention? Do you believe you need emergency dental care from a dentist in Anne Arundel County? The team at Annapolis Dental Care is always prepared to answer any questions you may have regarding your oral health.

When Is a Toothache a Dental Emergency?

If your toothache lasts more than 1-2 days and it’s causing you a lot of pain or discomfort, you have a dental emergency. This means that you have an advanced cavity or an infected tooth. Without treatment, your condition will only worsen. As the infection progresses, the area that supports the inside of your tooth will continue dying and causing you pain and discomfort.

What are the Common Causes of Toothaches?

The following causes of toothaches include:

  • Cavities eat away the hard layers of enamel and dentin surrounding your teeth. They can produce pain when you make any movement with your mouth when they are deep in, particularly when you consume sweet foods.
  • An untreated cavity will lead to an infected tooth. As the nerves inside your tooth die, you will experience severe pain and discomfort around your mouth. It’s typically accompanied by tooth sensitivity and swelling of the gums close to the infected area.
  • You might have oral trauma if you experienced a hard hit near your mouth. The pain in your jaw and gums is similar to a toothache.
  • Teeth grinding can cause stress on the ligaments and roots of your teeth, which may cause pain. 

What are the Benefits of Immediate Emergency Care for Toothaches?

Most importantly, receiving emergency dental care for a toothache eases your pain and discomfort due to your condition. Getting assistance for a toothache can help prevent the expensive fees and further complications. If you don’t receive a root canal for your infected tooth, it may die and require extraction and replacement with a denture. These dental procedures are more costly and invasive compared to a root canal. Lastly, you will have peace of mind knowing that your dental issue is under control.


Whether it’s a regular check-up you need or a tooth extracted, your dentist in Annapolis is here to serve! Annapolis Dental Care has the expertise and compassion to work with you on improving your oral health. Your comfort and health are our top priorities, and so we go above and beyond to make our patients happy and give them the highest quality care. To set up an appointment today, please give us a call at 410-571-5014 or visit us online. For more oral health tips for you and your family, follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube! We are always looking for new patients, so if you live in Arnold, Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, MD, come on down!

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