Restoring your Smile: Your Annapolis Dentist Explains how

Over time, like anything, your smile will fade. Your teeth will stain, cavities will form, teeth may break, tooth decay may set in and more. Luckily, you do not have to settle for a lackluster smile any longer. Dr. Steckler of Annapolis Dental Care offers several services designed to Restore your Smile.

  1. Cosmetic Implants: Replacing a missing tooth is a great way to restore your once illustrious smile and cosmetic implants are one of the best ways to do this. Cosmetic implants surgically replace the roots of your teeth with titanium fixtures that attach to bone the way real teeth do. Once the implants are firmly in place, we add a new crown that looks and feels like the tooth you lost.
  2. Crowns and Bridge Work: Unlike implants, crowns and bridges do not get to the root of the problem (pun intended). Still, crowns and bridges are effective ways to enhance your smile by covering cracked or crooked teeth.
  3. Dentures: Another popular and effective way for replacing missing teeth is dentures (complete or partial).
  4. Teeth Whitening: If all of your teeth are intact and in good shape, but your smile is a little duller than you would like, teeth whitening is an option. Whether it’s for a special occasion such as a wedding or just an everyday desire for a brighter smile, more and more people are turning to teeth whitening or bleaching to restore their pearly whites.
  5. And More: Annapolis Dental Care provides personalized service and affordable rates.

If you have any questions about Dental Procedures to restore your Smile, or if you wish to schedule an appointment, please contact Annapolis Dental Care by calling (410) 267-0766 or visit today!

Dr. Steckler’s philosophy is to give patients individualized attention and to make their experiences as comfortable as possible.

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