What is Tooth Sensitivity?

sensitive teeth

Hot and cold foods can cause immense pain if you have sensitive teeth

Tooth sensitivity can affect one tooth or a number of teeth. You can most commonly feel the discomfort associated with sensitive teeth after eating or drinking something hot, cold, sweet, or sour. Sometimes even excessively cold air can make sensitive teeth ache. The pain can be sudden and sharp and shoot deep into the nerve endings of your teeth.

What are the causes of sensitive teeth?

Sensitive teeth can be the result of your gums pulling back to expose the surface beneath, called dentin. This soft layer makes up the inner parts and roots, which have thousands of tiny tubes that lead to the tooth’s pulp, or nerve center. This channel allows the hot, cold, sweet, or sour trigger to reach the nerve in your tooth. This is what results in pain.  

Specific Causes of Tooth Sensitivity

  • Wear and tear, such as grinding and brushing too harshly, can wear down enamel and expose dentin over time.
  • Tooth Decay
  • Gingivitis
  • Damage such as chips and breaks
  • Tooth whitening products
  • Your Age. Teeth are most sensitive between the ages of 25 and 30.
  • Plaque Build Up
  • Acidic foods such as tea, pickles, tomatoes, fruits, and coffee can wear down enamel.
  • Dental work can increase tooth sensitivity for four to six weeks after certain procedures. This is, however, not permanent.

What Can You Do To Reduce Tooth Sensitivity?

There are many things you can do to reduce tooth sensitivity, and while some of these fall into basic oral hygiene, sensitive teeth require a little more TLC than your average set of chompers. Of course, brushing and flossing daily are key, but you may require a soft bristled toothbrush designed especially for sensitive teeth. Be extra gentle while caring for your teeth and gums and use toothpaste made for sensitive teeth.  Use fluoridated  mouth rinses. Also, use this type of toothpaste rather than a tartar control one. Avoid acidic foods and wear a mouthguard at night if you grind your teeth to manage tooth sensitivity.

Get In Touch With Annapolis Dental Care Today

If you want to find out more about getting your ideal smile or to schedule your next visit, please contact Annapolis Family Dental Care by calling (410) 267-0766 or visit AnnapolisDentalCare.com today! We can give you more information, or schedule your appointment. Our diligent knowledge of all dental treatments and extensive experience in all fields of dentistry, ensure Annapolis Dental is best suited to care for your oral health. You can also follow Annapolis Dental Care on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.

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