How Can I Prevent and Treat Gum Disease

Gum diseases can be very painful and unsightly. As an Annapolis family dentist, we see our fair share of cases of gum disease and the misery it can cause in our patients. The first step in preventing gum disease is knowing the signs of gum disease.

Signs of gum disease
Not all of the signs will show up every time, but if you have gum disease, you’re likely to suffer one or more of the following symptoms.

v  Bad breath – not just any bad breath, but chronic bad breath. We’re talking about the stuff that doesn’t go away and resembles morning breath

v  Irregularities in the gums – this includes bleeding, swelling, redness, and tenderness. Though these can be signs of other things as well, they’re pretty common signs of gum disease.

v  Problems with your teeth – sensitivity and loose teeth are not uncommon when you have gum disease. Loose teeth can cause problems, so you should see your dentist soon if this is an issue that you’ve noticed.

Preventive Measures

v  Brush your teeth regularly – This is a good oral hygiene measure anyway. We always suggest that everyone brushes at least twice per day (after every meal, if you can) for two minutes. You should also floss at least once per day for gum health.

v  Use a mouth rinse – Talk to your Annapolis family dentist about a good mouth rinse for preventing gum disease. Some anti-bacterial rinses are better than others for improving your oral health and killing the bacteria that lead to the deterioration of your gums.

v  Don’t use tobacco products – Aside from being bad for your overall health, tobacco products can ruin your gum health. It increases your risk for gum disease, cancer, and heart disease. In general, it’s a good idea to put the cigarettes down.


v  At home – Scrape away any plaque that occurs at your gum line. Do this carefully to avoid damaging your teeth or gums. Ridding your gums of the plaque will help your gums start to heal.

v  In the office – There are a few different methods for treating gum disease. Your dentist may choose to do a deep cleaning above and below the gum line. This isn’t particularly invasive, but it will help. Your dentist may also perform oral surgery by pushing your gum flaps back from your teeth and cleaning under them. Talk to your dentist about sedation dentistry for this procedure.

Taking care of your teeth and gums is very important for whole body health. If you think you may have gum disease, you should schedule an appointment with your Annapolis family dentist ASAP.  To schedule that appointment, please contact Annapolis Dental Care by calling (410) 267-0766 or visit today! We look forward to getting to know your family and improving your oral health care!

Source: WebMD, NIH

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