Improve Your Brushing Technique

brushing technique

Is your brushing technique up to par?

Brushing is the best form of preventative care when it comes to our teeth, so making sure your brushing technique is top notch is extremely important to maintaining a healthy dental hygiene.


How Long Are You Brushing?

Most adults simply don’t brush long enough. Effective brushing should last at least two minutes. We recommend that you use a stopwatch to get a feel for how long you brush. You might be surprised to find you aren’t brushing for as long as you thought.


Things to Remember When Brushing

Use short, gentle strokes when brushing. Place the bristles of your brush at a 45 degree angle with the surface of your teeth. Start by cleaning the surfaces of your upper and low teeth, then move on to the inner surfaces and roofs of your teeth. Pay extra attention to the hard to reach places such as those behind your teeth and around fillings and crowns. And don’t forget to brush your tongue as well to remove bacteria and freshen your breath.



A soft-bristled brush is recommended for removing plaque and debris. Toothbrushes with smaller heads are also better for maneuvering hard to reach areas in the mouth. An electric toothbrush can also be an effective option as they are capable of making many more strokes per second than a manual brush.


Remember to replace your toothbrush or electric tooth head every three to four months as thousands of microbes and bacteria can develop on the bristles.



There are many types of toothpaste out there. Some have different flavors, and others try to target a specific problem. A whitening toothpaste might include hydrogen peroxide, for example. If you have sensitive teeth or gums you can find toothpastes that are specially formulated to provide relief and combat acid erosion.

Regardless, making sure your toothpaste has fluoride as an active ingredient is essential. Fluoride is the mineral that strengthens tooth enamel and prevent cavities.


Schedule Your Next Check-up at Annapolis Dental Care

If you want to schedule your next visit, please contact Annapolis Family Dental Care by calling (410) 267-0766 or visit today! We can give you more information, or schedule your appointment. Our diligent knowledge of all dental treatments and extensive experience in all fields of dentistry, ensure Annapolis Dental is best suited to care for your oral health. You can also follow Annapolis Dental Care on FacebookTwitter, and Google+.


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